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Friday 11 February 2011

The Big Society

The Big Society
Dear Mr Cameron
After being woken surprisingly early by the cat hanging on my un-duvet outstretched foot I got to thinking about the mess the Coalition has got itself in with regards to the non funding of volunteers and charities.
At this early hour it was clear to me that a simple money generating plan would be needed. After a short time of cat-less thinking I had come up with the following;-
Lucky Heather. A business plan
We ALL need to sell lucky heather to each other. Firstly, this will generate additional revenue for the sellers and also increase the amount of good luck enjoyed by the purchaser. The sheer amount of good luck will then produce additional wealth and happiness for all. After only a short time it would be possible for the chancellor to add a small additional tax from everyone to offset the current debt.
I am sure that you will agree. This is a cast iron gold plated 100% sure fire hit.
Should you clear the national debt please forward any excess monies into my Barclays account.

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