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Thursday 16 June 2011

Chic Shed

Today I visited the Royal Train Shed at Wolverton which now professes to be a trendy home for stylish living. Unfortunately due to the demise of the old style railway refurb, Wolverton these days doesn’t have a lot to offer, and the £300k price tag on a 2 bed apartment ensures that virtually all remain unsold. Luckily I was there today to add some glamour and reduce their electricity costs which may help the sales in the future but due to the limited distribution of my blog may all just be in my head.   
Earlier this week I unfortunately had reason to visit Milton Keynes Hospital to have an investigative treatment on a mole on my cheek (face, upper left) It was decided that in a scene similar to 'Face Off’ that Mr Moley would be best off dug out later this month and given to John Travolta. Traumatic as this is, it pales to nothing when you see signs like this.

Yes, Way Out Gynaecology, which I believe they do with hand puppets and to the sounds of Frank Zappa music.

Finally, I had another trip to Princess Marina Hospital this week for the opening of some of the finest Pikey art this side of the washing machine / three piece suite statement in a lay-by just outside Stoke Hammond.


  1. Is that blood?

    As a veteran of numerous pointless medical procedures which have done little to improve my life, I'd hereby like to wish you good luck for the face transplant, and commiserations that you'll no longer look like Cindy Crawford.

    Looking on the bright side, you'll probably contract a hospital super-bug, be able to sue the NHS, and then buy a flat in Wolverton with your compensation money. Everyone's a winner!

  2. By the time I get to sue the NHS it will have run out of money, so maybe they will offer me the place above for a knock down rent

  3. Yeah, 'knock down' as in 'it should be'.
