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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

George 'Is it time for my holiday yet' Thompson

Today I visited my old friend, graphic designer and artist George Thompson. Having arrived back from a holiday in Greece at the weekend George was hard at it and busying himself looking out of the window while his nephew Colin frantically ran around producing Tee shirts and mugs for Bletchley Park. As we relaxed in the starving artist chic of his first floor studio he spoke of his worries about steering his empire through these choppy times and wondered where the next holiday would come from.  He said the bottom had virtually fallen out of ink & charcoal naked ladies and his 80.s black and white images of Docklands were all but a vague memory in his bank manager’s balance sheet. I knew things must be bad as he thrust a money box in front of me as I headed for the door, but luckily before I had time to pull some high value lira out of my wallet (which I keep for such a emergency) he explained that it was the new code breaker product.      

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